Frances Holt - Encroachment


My father raised me to be very aware of our impact on the environment, to learn about and to enjoy nature, to leave places better than we found them.  He also introduced me to photography and darkroom techniques at a very young age.
The photos for the first image are two of polar bears that he took in the 1960s when they were housed at the Atlanta Zoo in concrete blocks, concrete walls, flooring, etc. I updated them for today's concerns about shrinking ice caps and endangered polar bears.
The second image begins with a photo of an alley in Marietta, GA that I took as one of a series to earn my spot in an environmental conference in Green Bay,WI. Teams of a Boy Scout, a Girl Scout, and an adult leader came from all over the US in 1971) to discuss what we could do to save the environment. I updated it for today's concerns about rising seas and sinking cities by adding the pea gravel sea wall and the dirty sky and ill looking sea life.
The third piece of what will be a triptych is unfinished, so I am submitting image 3, Leaf Fall as concern for the number of dying trees and the concern for sufficient oxygen in years to come.

Member of WCA Georgia Chapter

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Frances Holt
Mixed Media on Canvas
8" x 16"

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