Terri Whitesel - Silent Meadow


A recently released survey of 529 bird species in the US and Canada found that bird populations have fallen by 29% since 1970, a loss of nearly three BILLION birds. Common birds are critical to the ecosystem. They control pests, pollinate flowers, spread seeds and regenerate forests. For those of us who take the time to look and listen, they bring song to our silent, busy world. As an artist, their colors, aerial acrobatics and song inspire!  This drastic decline in bird populations is totally man made. Driven by "progress", the deforestation of their 'homes', the global fires which destroy their habitat, food source, protection against predators and create life threatening lung damage from smoke increase these grim statistics. In another recent North American study, the size of songbirds has been shrinking over the past 40 years in response to Global Warming. These feathered creature's bodies are becoming smaller and their wings longer, the hope is to fly more efficiently on longer migration patterns forced upon them by man. Daily, as I walk and listen I sadly remember a prophetic quote read so many years ago... "On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens and scores of other bird voices, there is now no sound. (Rachel Carson's Silent Spring). I dedicate my visual voice for the birds that are silently screaming for help.

Member of WCA Georgia Chapter

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Terri Whitesel
"Silent Meadow"

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